1. Offices & Services
  2. Office of the Registrar
  3. Course Schedules

This is the initial course schedule showing ALL courses and times. Current students can go to Wolf Tracks for an up-to-the-minute listing of seat availability. New students can get this information through their advisors.

Course availability is subject to change. If a course is available at the time of viewing this document, that DOES NOT guarantee availability at the time of registration.

Classroom assignments are based on building name and room number. The building abbreviations are as follows:

  • LA = Liberal Arts Building
  • NURS = Nursing Building
  • SCI = Science Building
  • HS = Health Science Building
  • HSA = Health Science Building Annex
  • LIB = Library
  • BLRB = Biological Learning and Research Building

Course Schedules

Document Title Type File Size
Document Title: 2023 Fall Courses Type: pdf File Size: 25.753 KB Download
Document Title: 2023 Summer Courses Type: pdf File Size: 11.444 KB Download