1. Complaint and Grievance Policies and Procedures

Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University is committed to providing an environment supportive of student achievement. Academic, Administrative and Student Affairs share that commitment in the provisions of all programs and services. As we seek to be better, students, faculty, staff and all other stakeholders are encouraged to share their reasonable complaints. There are multiple ways concerns can be communicated and addressed:

Day to Day Issues: All University administrators, faculty members, and staff members are open to any stakeholder's suggestions and sensitive to individual concerns. Hence, we seek to address day-to-day complaints and rectify problem directly and as quickly as possible. Referred, Actionable Issues: Sometimes individuals wish to call attention to matters that are more complex. That is, ones that do not lend themselves to immediate solutions but neither do they rise to grievance level (see below). In such cases, the University encourages all stakeholders to share such complaints and concerns. Expressed concerns for which follow through would be feasible and expected may be submitted via email (complaints@franu.edu) as a complaint. Alternatively, a complaint from any University stakeholder may be submitted in writing to any employee of the University.

Upon receipt of a complaint or concern, the appropriate University administrator will:

  • Initiate an inquiry or investigation into appropriate, actionable complaints or concerns or designate the appropriate party to do so;
  • Inform the complainant of how the complaint was investigated, and describe any subsequent actions or recommendations that may result;
  • File all material related to the complaint with the Institutional Effectiveness Director in the Office of Academic Affairs.

NOTE: The University administration also welcomes suggestions in the suggestion box on the web, via the University Facebook page, and through other University sponsored social media. Because the University seeks to systematically track and follow through on complaints and concerns, such suggestions and commentaries cannot be considered as complaints unless they are filed per the procedures outlined above. Grievances: Matters of the most serious and problematic nature and which have or have had profound impact on one or more individuals may rise to the level of a grievance and must follow the established grievances policy. Please refer to the Student Handbook.